Sunday, September 25, 2011

Attack the center of gravity with soft power

Some good ideas on how to attack the “center of gravity” (At least my take on it)
These were proposed by Dr. Hubertus Hoffmann, 29-Dec-04.  Realist view?
Treaties of Friendship: NATO, America and Europe encourage the cooperation, as friends of the Islamic states, through a mesh of international contracts.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance: Fellow citizens of the Moslem faith in Europe and America are to be treated with respect. We, in turn, expect the same in the Islamic partner countries—including the unhindered practice of religion.

Youth Politics: In particular, the young academics of Islamic countries struggling to find a perspective must be addressed. Joint school book commissions should develop new concepts for the teaching of tolerance.

Media Policy: Media commissions are to draft concepts for the containment of hate propaganda and put forth examples of cooperation. For example, television broadcast companies must no longer serve as a megaphone for terrorists.

Dialog of Religions: The Church has a special responsibility in providing an essential contribution to the dialog with Muslim clerics and reconciliation.

On the level of nation-states—including the U.S.A.—the European Union and NATO, the best suggestions should be collected and bound together in a transatlantic NATO workgroup.

Found this at a good website:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Two French Muslim women who continue to wear the full-face veil in defiance of a new law banning it in France have been issued fines by a court." - BBC (

Is this an attack on muslim ideology or an attempt to keep fundamentalists out of France?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

09C Blog is Alive

Blog about whetever you want, but remember that everything you put in here can be seen.
That being said, this is a good opportunity for 09C to enter the modern world.

Invite people to join as you see fit.

This blog may be unique because we all work in different branches and have different experiences and can provide our unique perspective to many subjects, interests, events, etc.