Sunday, September 25, 2011

Attack the center of gravity with soft power

Some good ideas on how to attack the “center of gravity” (At least my take on it)
These were proposed by Dr. Hubertus Hoffmann, 29-Dec-04.  Realist view?
Treaties of Friendship: NATO, America and Europe encourage the cooperation, as friends of the Islamic states, through a mesh of international contracts.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance: Fellow citizens of the Moslem faith in Europe and America are to be treated with respect. We, in turn, expect the same in the Islamic partner countries—including the unhindered practice of religion.

Youth Politics: In particular, the young academics of Islamic countries struggling to find a perspective must be addressed. Joint school book commissions should develop new concepts for the teaching of tolerance.

Media Policy: Media commissions are to draft concepts for the containment of hate propaganda and put forth examples of cooperation. For example, television broadcast companies must no longer serve as a megaphone for terrorists.

Dialog of Religions: The Church has a special responsibility in providing an essential contribution to the dialog with Muslim clerics and reconciliation.

On the level of nation-states—including the U.S.A.—the European Union and NATO, the best suggestions should be collected and bound together in a transatlantic NATO workgroup.

Found this at a good website:


  1. What is the center of gravity, the people in Islamic countries? And what is the intended effect on the cog with the above targeting methods? What's the enforcement method for noncompliance (or is the lack thereof what makes it soft power)?

    Is it possible that the best, surest way to isolate the extremists is to change policies that enjoy the most widespread contempt among the average Islamic person (support for corrupt middle eastern regimes, NATO/US military bases in Islamic countries, etc.)? Or is official foreign policy changes beyond the scope of the discussion here?

  2. Center of Gravity is the Islamic Fundamentalist with lots of money. Effect is to Nuetralize. The more moderate Islamic groups must get involved. We (Infidels) cannot accomplish this directly. Soft power (Diplomacy) as opposed to hard power (Guns and bombs). Hard to enforce or measure. Foreign policy should be in facilitating more moderate muslim countries (Kuwait, Turkey)to take action against the fundamentalists.

  3. Dave, Check out the video posted in this Bolg. Called "What the West should know about Islam"
    Interesting information about the versus of the sword in the Quaran.
